Being and becoming

Being left behind,
untrusting, danger of being unloving,
lost in island of self,
self, the worst to measure oneself against.
If I, our only measure, become lost within constructs that are intrinsic.
Extrinsic divine measure–the origin of being and goodness, the best measure.
Unseen, desiring to be left alone,
yet, loneliness.
In a pattern of untrusting. Get close to no one, except one who nearly couldn’t care less–
but also long-time friends.
Friendship the saving grace in this lonely existence.
Prairie, craters of the moon, lava-scape, dark skies.
The stars do not lie in their dark canvas. Bright contrasts.
A dark meaningless cosmos? Or a cosmos that must exist in its vastness for all life to exist.
Self-evident existence–the whole greater than its parts.
Human love to dissect all that exists, since Bacon. Commandere nature instead of wonder and respect by stewardship.
This post-modern, modern, post-post-modern thought leading to anxiety.
Remembrance of ontology, metaphysics the origin of goodness, the whole rather than its parts.
Epistemology, the remembering of what was forgotten–from the source of knowledge–Logos.
If we are alone in the cosmos, then loneliness is despair. If not, loneliness is temporary.
In this complaint, remember the one Incarnate. The prime exemplar of what it is to be human.
The Philosopher and Aquinas would say to cultivate habit toward the good–the latter toward the Incarnate being the prime example.
The mountains in their majesty, the sun in its place and orbit, the planets around the sun, the growth, death, cultivation of plant and animal life, the seasons, all arranged in beauty and order.
Our knowledge limited, continuing to discover–epistemology of all things also a remembering.
Remembrance of our place in this existence. Seemingly an atom among other atoms. Yet, the whole is greater than its parts.
Become lost in atomization–becoming in remembrance and in relation to I am that I am.
The island of self is a forgetting.
In an existence of atomized, individuals–left behind by others–
friendship the community that restores–
yet, the ground of being, the steadfast one who exists always extrinsically and intrinsically in the lost cosmos of our mind.
We, in existential crisis.
The one who is can never be in crisis of existence–He that is existence–holds all that is in existence apart from himself.
In this modern world, most feel alone, anxious, longing for something else, something more. This is hardly new. Heartbreak, uncertainty the common thread all know. Making temporary things eternal often leading toward heartbreak. We want eternal things–mostly the invisible things: love, goodness. Yet, these invisible things are embodied in action, in being–persons.
Incarnation must be the answer–this marriage of the invisible and visible in relation to the Great I am.
Fulfillment of all longing.
What is the aim of all things? Unity, harmony with that which brought all these things into existence. Not a static existence–not uniform–diverse as the saints, as art, as colors. In relation to the good, true and beautiful.
Eden is here now, it’s remembering what it once was. Not retroactive, but being remade, in harmony with its Creator. Yet, death and sin leading towards it final end. And the return of God in the Garden–the incarnate one.
Is this but a dream? Is all our thirst and hunger to be unfulfilled?
Not if Jesus is who he said he was.
I have gotten tangental.
With existence and telos.
Ontology and epistemology.
In short, existence is a matter of seeing what is and what will be.
A clear vision from someone outside one self.
A knowing and a grace in relation to their origin.
Feelings and reason in a cosmology of something versus nothing.
Seeking to make sense of a confusing, current world by remembering and trusted thought of the past. And existence of a personal Trinity outside of us.
The question: how do I live well in this existence?
Look beyond the self–to the old forests, the Pacific coast with rock shores and small mountains in the sea; the heights of the mountains and hills, the prairie, Black-billed Magpie, Buffalo, Antelope, Deer, Prairie Dogs, Caribou, big skies, sunsets, sunrises, blue glacial lakes, rivers, falls, snow-covered peaks.
Not nature worship.
Reconnect to the things made by processes not human,
God-ordained initiation.
The billions of years of formation that created the conditions for our existence.
Look to God and to others–to love God and your neighbor.

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