the last man

Last man, no longer human.

A hell on earth.

Base, animality.

All reduced to quantity. Conquer all that exists.

All used.

Qualitative is no matter.

Technology the rule. Luxury the highest order.

Suffering diminished by technology and sentiment.

The Underground Man is near the last man.

Echoes of this technological dystopia in each generation.

Artificial resolution of sorrow.

A hope is we have music and literature that decries this plight. How our technology and medicine is finite and does not resolve.

Danger of tenderness justifying early death because of suffering.

Nietzsche posited that suffering led to greatness. (See Flannery O’Connor and Kierkegaard).

What will happen when all suffering gone? (is this even possible?) What dawn of abysmal reality will come to be?

The criticism, heaven where no suffering occurs, but when there is fulfillment and no longer death–lack of suffering will be a relief. When wills align and desire to do so.

The last man, the un-man. The abolition of… A life in comatose. No longer pushing the stone up the hill. Boredom, over-indulgence. Lack of creativity. A uniform, meaningless reality.

The other extreme–the over-man–I’m not certain is much better. Creating other constructs that ultimately fail. Meaning is good, even Nietzsche agreed.

Creating meaning solely from selves becomes contentious–as we currently see.

Plato, the nihilist according to Nietzsche, still has a good aim–namely the good.

Revelation of the good is a must for even a complicated, democratic society. The universal Tao seems hidden by confusion and multiplicity of thought. Yet, self-evident not by proofs.

Nietzsche warns us of our own meaningless, godless created societies.

Who will we look to? The last man? The over-man? Or the God-man?

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