
The seed falls among other plants

fighting amongst sunlight and striving to survive.

A fallen tree, Sitka and Fir seed falls and lodges in the bark

grows, breaking down the tree, nourished by its sap and pulp.

Several trees grow in a row.

Moss adorn branches and trunk.

Rains and waterfalls, melting snow–

water plants and trees–where wildlife also flourish.

Fire clears out the overgrown flora, where giant evergreens can grow.

Elk also clear the underbrush, making way for Sitka and Fir.

“I am the seed that hides in the hollow of the tree.”

Fallen tree breaks down to nourish. Waters rain down.

The ancient forest grows.

The giants “bring forth fruit in old age.”

It is a flourishing forest. The mighty falling–to propagate new growth.

Ezekiel said in different context, [he will] “dry up the green tree and make the dry tree flourish.”

Look at this forest. It is the way of the world with sovereignty.

It is not the way of the lost world of our own construction.

“I am the rains falling down; the melting snow, the waterfalls thundering down; the river, the lake.”

“I am the one who designed the seed to become the giant, I am the why all exists.”

“As I walked among you in the first garden, I remake and am remaking. Reminding my creatures of my ways in the forest and the mountains.”

“I too am the light that nourishes by photosynthesis.”

Reminder, read this in the four-fold way of medieval exegesis.

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